New York Wing, Civil Air Patrol
United States Air Force Auxiliary
817 Stewart Avenue (Rear)
Garden City, NY 11530-4856

Cadet Advisory Council

Minutes of the New York City Cadet Advisory Council meeting, 09 December 2000.

TO:NYWG Director of Cadet Program and all NYWG Assistant Directors of Cadet Program, Group Commanders, and Cadet Wing CAC Representatives


The motion to begin the 12 August, 2000 meeting of the New York Wing's Cadet Advisory Council was made by Jennifer A. Neville, C/1st Lt, CAP and seconded by Ian Vonie, C/2nd Lt, CAP at 1020 hrs.



A.  Council Officers:

Chairperson   Jennifer A. Neville, C/1st Lt, CAP

Vice-Chairperson (South) Brian Foo, C/ Lt Col, CAP

Vice-Chairperson (North) Adam Cucchiara, C/Capt, CAP

Recorder   Patrick Parker, C/1st Lt, CAP

 B.  Group Representatives:
Adirondack Mountain  Primary - Not Present
Alternate- Not Present

Catskill Mountain   Primary - Sean Tinston, C/MSgt, CAP

       Alternate - Terence Van Hise, C/MSgt, CAP

Central New York   Primary - Mike Perry, C/2nd Lt, CAP     Alternate - Michael Kieloch, C/1st Lt, CAP


Finger Lakes    Primary - Missy Mortimer, C/2nd Lt, CAP
       Alternate - Anthony Rocco, C/1st Lt, CAP

  Long Island    Primary - Not Present

       Alternate - Not Present

Mid-East Group   Primary - Ian Vonie, C/2nd Lt, CAP

     Alternate - Not Present

New York City   Primary - Sophia Giddens, C/MSgt, CAP

    Alternate - Brian Owuseni, C/SMSgt, CAP

South Central    Primary - Not Present

     Alternate - Not Present

South East    Primary - Not Present

     Alternate - Gustin Stamatinos, C/2nd Lt, CAP

Western New York   Primary - Not Present

     Alternate - Kevin Christner, C/2nd Lt, CAP
C. Senior Staff:
       Cadet Programs Officer Henry Grullon, Major, CAP
         Other seniors Present         None Present
D. Guests:
Sean Gavin, C/1st Lt, CAP (CMG)
Rashimee Wilson, C/AMN, CAP (CNYG)
Robert O’Neal, C/A1C, CAP (CNYG)
Andrew Tascione, C/SSgt, CAP (FLG)
Alec Martin, C/2nd Lt, CAP (MEG)
Stephen Fox, C/SMSgt, CAP (MEG)
Elliot Allen, C/MSgt, CAP (WNYG)
James Stark, C/SrA, CAP (WNYG)
Max Elia, C/MSgt, CAP (WNYG)
Nick Kempton, C/2nd Lt, CAP (WNYG)
Richard Ball, C/TSgt, CAP (WNYG)
Robynn Murrat, C/A1C, CAP (WNYG)
Robert Hark, C/MSgt, CAP (WNYG)
Steve Ganczewski, C/MSgt, CAP (WNYG)
Other Guests   None Present
1025 hrs - Review of the CAC Minutes for 06 MAR 00.
1032 hrs - Change by C/2nd Lt Perry (tour of 175th changed to 174th)
1034 hrs- Motion to vote on accepting the minutes by C/1st Lt Neville; seconded by C/MSgt Stamatinos.
Unanimous vote to accept the revised minutes.
GROUP REPORTS (1035 hrs):
 - Basic training day a success in customs & courtesies
 - First aid & CPR course
 - Group Bivouac/SAREXes
- Monthly orientation flights
- Three of five squadrons active (that's an improvement)
                  - All squadrons growing slowly
                     - 1 squadron without meeting place (possibly Syracuse University)
                     - CAC started back up on 21 APR 00
                     - 4 of 5 units present at CAC
                     - Intersquadron bivouac planned for January
                     - Leadership days at SU planned for 23 SEP 00 and 4 NOV 00
                     - Ft. Drum attendance: sufficient (4 of 5 squadrons sent cadets)
- New CAC Officers:
- C/2Lt. Mike Perry (Chairperson)
- C/1st Lt Mike Kieloch (Vice- Chairperson)
- C/TSgt Schlotterbeck(Recorder)
         -  Some squadrons lacking cadets
                     - Organizing group functions
                     - Group bivouac canceled
                     - Orientation flights going steadily
                     - Group CAC is very weak/lacking participation
                     - Recruiting in progress
                     - Fund raisers: Bottle drive raised about $230
- K-Mart fund-raiser raised $2,000 for Rochester
                     - Airshow participation planned for 26-27 August 00
                     - Currently scheduling group banquet
          - KC-135 flights
                     - Ft. Drum attendance: approx. twenty-seven cadets
                     - Multiple SAREXes are in planning stage
                     - Sent 4 cadets to national activities (GSAR, COS, and PJOC)
                     - New CAC Officers:
- C/1st Lt Missy Mortimer (Chairperson)
- C/1st Lt Anthony Rocco (Vice-Chairperson)
- Recorder position is vacant


           - Not handed in


- Scotia Memorial Day Parade
- Memorial Day service at Watervliet Arsenal
                        -     First aid & CPR courses (thirteen qualified cadets)
                     - Orientation flights
                     - C-130 flights out of Stratton
                     - Airshow at Schenectady
                     - BSA Camporee (recruiting and static displays)
                     - Ft. Drum attendance: fifteen in-flight cadets, upwards of ten cadet staff
         - Recently planned bivouac canceled
- New Cadet Advisory Council Officers:
- C/2nd Lt Ian Vonie (Chairperson)
- C/Maj Brian Brown (Vice-Chairperson)
- Recorder position is vacant


          - Second annual group banquet
                     - Ft. Drum attendance excellent (seventeen cadets)
                     - Fundraisers (goes towards cadet scholarships)
                     - ES, First Aid, and CPR classes
                     - Membership is growing/cadets are advancing
                     - Good performance at wing SAREX
                     - New Cadet Advisory Council Officers:
- C/2nd Lt Paul Dolce (Chairperson)
- C/SMSgt Gustin Stamatinos (Vice-Chairperson)
- C/MSgt Robert Kretschman (Recorder)


                     - SAREX on 19 AUG 00
                     - Thirty cadets assisted at Airshow
                     - Ten cadets assisted at Jamestown Airshow
                     - New Cadet Advisory Council Officers:
- C/Maj Miles (chairperson)
- C/2nd Lt Kevin Christner (vice-chairperson)
- C/TSgt Richard Ball (recorder)


 What should the function of the CAC be and what is our major focus?
- Before concentrating on planning activities the primary function of the NYWG CAC should be to concentrate on problem solving.
- Motion to Vote by C/1st Lt Neville; seconded by C/MSgt Giddens
- Unanimously passed
Group Reports and Minutes
- All Group Reports must be typed, presented to the NYWG CAC, and handed in to the NYWG CAC Recorder at each wing CAC meeting.
- All minutes should be typed up and handed in to NYWG recorder at each NYWG CAC meeting.
New York Wing CAC Officer’s Responsibilities
- Chairperson
- To keep the CAC on track
- To facilitate the meetings
- Vice-Chairpeople
- To assist in the execution of the Chairperson’s duties
- Recorder
- To gather all group reports and organize the wing CAC minutes to be handed in to the Director of Cadet Program

Customs and Courtesies:

- C/1Lt.Rocco recognized the lack of Customs and Courtesies.
- Delegates are urged to talk to all squadrons about military bearing.
- C/MSgt Tinston believes that some squadrons are better than others are at Customs and courtesies.
- C/Capt Cucchiara said that pushing Customs and Courtesies is not hazing.  It's a must!
- C/2nd Lt Gavin said that a 5-15 minute review resulted in a great improvement.
- CAPF 50 can be used as a performance evaluation.
- Some solutions to the issue are:
- Correcting on the spot, but NOT dropping cadets (pushups)
- Have a training flight w/ qualified staff for basic cadets.

Wing Conference Activities (1106 hrs):

  -Some Ideas are:
- Service Academy Representatives, power point competition, and Guest Speakers
                                 - C/1Lt.Rocco likes guest speakers
                                 - C/2Lt.Vonie says the Representatives should not try to “sell” the academies, but
  to give general knowledge.
- Motion to continue the discussion at the next meeting by C/1st Lt Neville; seconded by
   C/2nd Lt Vonie.

Voting of the Vice-Chairpeople (1123 hrs):

- Who votes for who?
- C/2nd Lt Vonie said that everybody should vote for everybody because we all have a common goal.
- C/2nd Lt Christner said that the north should vote for the north and the south vote for the south.
- C/2nd Lt Perry agreed with C/2nd Lt Vonie's belief.
- Move to vote on each delegate voting for each Vice-Chairperson by C/1st Lt Neville; seconded by C/MSgt Tinston
- 4 to3 - passed

Move to vote on moving on to new business by C/1st Lt Neville; seconded by C/2nd Lt Vonie

 Unanimously passed


New York Wing Calendar:
- 17-19 AUG - National Board meeting
- 19 AUG - Wing SAREX
- 22-24 SEP - NER Conference
- 30 SEP - Encampment Debrief (tentative)
- 7 OCT - NYWG CAC meeting at West Point (tentative)
- 1 NOV - Applications due for NYWG Leadership Encampment 2001 senior command staff
- 9 DEC - NYWG CAC meeting at MEG headquarters
- 31 DEC - Applications for Cadet of the Year, NCO of the Year, National Activities, and scholarships are due
- 1 JAN - Applications for NYWG Leadership Encampment 2001 cadet command staff and first Sgt. are due
- 13 JAN 0 NYWG Review Boards for IACE, Cadet of the Year, and NCO of the Year applicants at Stratton ANG Base

1152 hrs - Motion to adjourn the meeting and reconvene in five minutes by C/1st Lt Neville; seconded by C/MSgt Stamatinos

1157 hrs - Motion to begin the meeting by C/1st Lt Neville; seconded by C/1st Lt Rocco

Discussion on Regulations

- C/1st Lt Rocco and C/CaptCucchiara are under orders not to wear the unit citation ribbon by Lt Col Jones (FLG Commander)
- Major Grullon's general statement - “LOOK IT UP!”

1220 hrs - Motion to adjourn the meeting for lunch by C/1st Lt Neville; seconded by C/2nd Lt Vonie

1330 hrs - Meeting reconvened

- Col Shachner spoke about SMSgt Biddle’s condition.
- He's in good spirits and is doing better.
- A card was passed around for all personnel attending the CAC meeting to sign.

Wing Conference Debrief:

- C/SSgt Gibbons - There were scheduling mess-ups and seniors did not hurry to vacate rooms that were needed by cadets.
- C/MSgt Allen thought conference was a good experience.
- C/MSgt Van Hise noted that there were problems with coordination and communication.
- Overall there was a good set of feedback on the cadet social.
- C/SSgt Gibbons would like to do cadet forums at the next conference.

Drum 2K Discussion (1415 hrs):

- The observers who attended the encampment as in-flight cadets gave their opinions.  Overall they enjoyed it, but two cadets said that it was not what they had expected.
- Major Grullon stressed the teamwork goals of encampment.
- C/SSgt Gibbons requested the schedule for the Drum 2K debriefing.
- “Some classes were not beneficial and cadets would have preferred that they had not been part of the curriculum.”
- Major Grullon said that these classes had to be part of the encampment and to “…read the manual.”
- C/MSgt Stamatinos said that the  O.I.'s were vague.
- Major Grullon pointed out that the PAO did an awesome job and there was also an improvement in OPS.

Wing PAO (1430 hrs):

-     New York Wing should create a newsletter.
- What should be put in it?
- Group activities, upcoming events, comic strip, word puzzle, etc.
- C/Lt Col Foo wondered if NYWG had the funds to create a newsletter.
- Major Grullon said that the newsletter will be sent to the groups for distribution.
- All interested personnel should meet with Major Grullon after the CAC meeting is adjourned.
- Move to vote on the creation of a newsletter by C/1st Lt Neville; seconded by C/MSgt Stamatinos
- Unanimous
- New York Wing Web-Page
- NewYorkWing.webjump.com
- Groups should submit articles and they will be posted on the web page.

Floor Opened for Proposals (1440 hrs):

- C/2nd Lt Vonie said that a set format was needed for groups to give to give their reports.
- C/Capt Cucchiara said that a PT test should be administered prior to application to National Activities such as PJOC.
-  Major Grullon mentioned that a cadet conference is being planned for SEP 01.
- All activities will be cadet oriented.
- C/SSgt Gibbons said that time should be allotted during the CAC meeting for discussion of group activities.
- Why didn’t something happen? If it did, how did it go?
Open Floor Discussion:
- Some squadrons were dealing with problem solving situations and the CAC officers, delegates, and observers gave words of advice.

The motion to adjourn the 12 AUG 00 NYWG CAC meeting was made by Jennifer Neville, C/1st Lt, CAP and seconded by Sophia Giddens, C/MSgt, CAP at 1546 hrs and was passed unanimously.




Jennifer A. Neville, C/1st Lt, CAP    Patrick Parker, C/1st LT, CAP
Chairperson                                     Recorder

Brian Foo, C/ Lt Col, CAP     Adam Cucchiara, C/Capt, CAP

Vice-Chairperson (South)     Vice-Chairperson (North)

Henry Grullon, Major, CAP     Richard Greenhut, Colonel, CAP

Director of Cadet Program     New York Wing Commander

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